
Debacle and the itch not scratched

So this would be my mock-up for a print that may or may not ever happen. It's based on the book Dirty Havana Trilogy" by Pedro Juan Gutierrez and was intended for a friend's show, and even though I am working as a Printmaker, for reasons within my control but out my grasp I didn't think I would be able to produce it on time, or in the foreseeable future given my current home setup...or maybe not. I go in today to find that it may be possible. But this will probably be my last print for awhile, at least til some other factors are resolved.

In other art-making news, work and friends and obligations and situation changes have kept me on the sideline, but I've got a painting in progress and lots, nay many more than a lot gestating ideas. all in due time as they say. I'll be back when the skies clear.

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